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Glad You Asked
Max Lucado on the power of questions, pastoral authority, and giving a firm word of correction.
Priscilla Shirer on Leading like Joshua
Be open to divine interruptions, and follow only where God leads
The Red Bull Gospel
Are youth groups helping or hurting the faith of young adults?
Explainer: Religion
Maybe the much-maligned word isn't so bad after all.
Israel, Jetlag, and the Scandal of Particularity
How Galilee puts our ministry influence in perspective.
Matt Chandler: ‘You Create Your Own Treadmills’
An interview on applying grace to yourself.
Exodus from the Church?
A debate on the state of the faith.
Exodus from the Church?
A debate on the state of the faith.
A Bigger Toolbox
Spiritual growth demands using a variety of practices.
Balancing Acts
Tim Keller and Andy Stanley explain what it takes to get ministry right.
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